Amla is a fruit of an Amalaki means “nectar of life” is a deciduous tree. And it is of the family Phyllanthaceae that contains so many benefits to add value to your body. It is green translucent color fruit and most commonly known as Indian Gooseberry. The traditional way of eating Amla is you can eat it raw like any other fruit or with dal (Pulse). And amla ka murabba a sweet dish made by soaking the berries in sugar syrup until they are candied.

The Magical Indian Gooseberry / Amla
If you are someone who truly believes in making your body healthy by the natural method of eating healthy food. Then this blog is going to change your perspective of making your body beautiful inside out.
The powerhouse of nutrients-Amla
Amla fruit is magical when you will get to know its countless ailments and how it works. And especially during summertime, this is the best thing you can gift to your body. To give healthy hair, glowing skin, and good eyesight.
“The Magic of Amla are It strengthens the liver, reduces inflammation, improves digestion. Regulates urinary infection, is a hair hero, relieves menstrual cramping, is a skin god. Enhances immunity and richest source of Vitamin C”.
Chemical Constituent of Amla:
It contains a high amount of ascorbic acid and vitamin C . As you know “Bitter is Better”. It tastes bitter because of the high density of ellagitannins but the abundant health benefits make it the best fruit. It is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the production of WBC that helps in fighting several infections and diseases
Benefits of Amla:
Boost your immunity:
- A healthly balanced diet is important for strong immunity. Do you know the fact Amla contains 10 times more Vitamin C than an orange. It has twice the antioxidant power as acai berry and 17 times that of a pomegranate? One food, which is cheap, easily available, and can help boost immunity is amla. It keeps diseases at bay. It is the powerful home remedy for flu and cold. Hydrating and consuming vitamin C rich fruits and vegies are best to boost immunity.
“(Amla+ Ginger+ Coriander) Juice= Best way to boost your immunity”

Amla Juice
Prevents Constipation:
The high fiber content in amla makes it helpful to regulate a good digestive system. The alkaline nature of amla helps to clear and strengthen the digestive system. Helps to clear Amla juice helps relieve constipation in piles. Regulates bowel movements and cures chronic constipation. Gooseberry or amla powder improves appetite with butter and honey before a meal. Amla contains anti-inflammatory properties. Dried Amla powder cure hyperacidity and prevent stomach ulcers. Amla also helps works well for inflammation, improve fertility, strengthen the lungs and boost the immune system. It is best exfoliating and astringent agent.
Method: 1 tsp of amla powder with lukewarm water at night to relieve constipation.
Do you have hair growth problems or dry hair? Is your skin hydrated enough or eyesight issue? If yes, then do read out this single ingredients natural remedy.
Best for Skin, eyesight, and Hair:
This wonder berry is known to be the best anti-aging fruit according to traditional Indian medicine. Regular intake of amla leads to healthy and glowing skin. Also improves eyesight, boosts the immune system, and regulates blood sugar and lipids. Amla consider best for eyesight as amla enhances alochaka pitta, which governs the eyesight. In Ayurveda amla is called ” Rasayana for strengthening the eyes”. A very good amount of collagen contents in your skin help in skin firmness and make your skin appear soft.

Healthy Skin, Hair and eyesight.
Regular consumption of amla juice boosts vitamin C levels and helps increase the production of collagen levels in your skin. This will make your skin look soft and youthful. Amla strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair thinning. Consuming amla into your diet helps reduce oxidative stress and reduces free radicals. Vitamin C in amla increases the antioxidants in your body. Amla purifies the blood and enhances hair’s natural color by preventing premature greying of hair. It is also very good for hair growth. As the phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in amla help in increasing scalp circulation and stimulates healthy growth. Vitamin C of amla produces collagen protein. This helps in stimulating hair growth, both length, and volume-wise.
Aids Weight Management:
It always is a better choice to consume it in a juice or powder with lukewarm water format. It helps people who are struggling to manage their weight as it aids digestion also improves metabolism. To lose weight, you can try including amla juice in your daily diet. 2-3 tablespoons of amla juice or powder, mixed in water in morning detox the body. Having it in warm water is even more helpful. It also helps the body absorb nutrients and acts as a natural laxative due to its high fiber content. Consuming amla juice everyday can help you flush out all the harmful toxins from your body.
Manage Chronic Condition and relief in pain
- High cholesterol, Diabetes, weight reduction, heart diseases, and asthma have become common conditions that impact in today’s times. The good thing is there are many medicinal uses of Amla. And all these chronic health conditions can be managed easily. It also helps in cancer to some extent as cancer is caused by oxidative damage. Which means when our body cell uses oxygen then left a by-product which is very harmful called radicals. Amla helps in repairing and preventing this damage. The chromium in amla helps to manage insulin and blood sugar level making it best for diabetic patients. Amla helps in reducing regular pain caused by the body like joint aches, arthritis, and mouth ulcers. You can even use amla juice as a mouth wash to prevent mouth ulcers and other diseases.

Healthy Heart healthy mind
Helps in good blood circulation:
- Indian gooseberry (amla) extracts show anti-inflammatory and blood flow benefits. Amla may not have as extreme effects on blood clotting as aspirin. The greenish fruit seems to hold one advantage while modestly reducing blood clots: a lower risk of induced bleeding. Ayurveda doctors claim that amla can help balance the three doshas. And strengthens hair follicles, and increases blood circulation to the scalp. Its Vitamin C content makes the blood vessels stronger and thicker. Amla powder mixed with a tablespoon of honey or jaggery can act as a great natural blood purifier, Increase your hemoglobin when taken regularly.
These are some great benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and one of the best way to immune your body.
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