“The mind has no constraints other than the ones we acknowledge.” Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill was an author from the United States who was one of the first to write in the personal success field.

Napoleon discussed personal accomplishment, personal values, and the ideals that must be followed to succeed.

His concepts were extremely amazing, and I believe Napoleon’s book “Think and Grow Rich” is recognized as an excellent read when it comes to self-development.

This page details 15 of Napoleon Hill’s most famous phrases, many of which you’ve already heard and absorbed. There’s no doubting that the ideas expressed in these statements are brilliant.

1.  Set your concentration on a specific goal and watch how the world moves aside to allow you to pass. 

The universe tends to line exactly all the circumstances you need to become successful once you have a CLEAR objective, a PURPOSEFUL desire, and a burning DESIRE to make that dream a reality. You can ACHIEVE when you BELIEVE.

2.  When your ambitions are powerful enough, you will appear to have superhuman abilities to accomplish your goals.

There’s something remarkable about a person who has a specific goal in mind and a strong desire to attain it. Allow nothing to get in the way of your dreams and goals. You’ve got this!

3.  Every struggle, every setback, every heartache contains the germ of a greater or equal gain.

Have faith in your life’s timetable. Believe that failures and barriers happen to everyone, especially those who dare to take chances in their search for a better life. Be glad for the trials that help you grow as a person, and you might even be grateful for the minor detours that help you get on the right track.

4.  “What a different storey people would have to tell if they just chose a clear goal and stuck to it until it became an all-consuming obsession!

5.  Failure is a crafty trickster with a good sense of irony. When achievement is practically within reach, it takes tremendous pleasure in tripping one up.” -Napoleon Hill  

6.  “When one is overcome by the temporary setback, one of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting.”- Napoleon Hill 

7.  “The pattern-makers of civilization have always been, and will always be the practical dreamers.”- Napoleon Hill  

8.   “No one is ready for anything until he feels he will be able to obtain it.” – Napoleon Hill 

9.  “No one is ready for anything until he feels he will be able to obtain it.” – Napoleon Hill  

10.   Any thinking impulse that is repeated in the subconscious mind is eventually accepted and acted upon.” – Napoleon Hill 

11.   “Faith is the “everlasting elixir” that gives thought its life, force, and action.”- Napoleon Hill 

12.   “All mental impulses have a proclivity to wrap themselves in their bodily counterpart.” -Napoleon Hill 

13. “Patience, perseverance, and sweat constitute an unbeatable winning combination.”

14. “Think twice before you speak, for your words and influence will sow the seeds of success or failure in someone else’s mind.”

15. Any man’s life is certain to be littered with temporary defeats and failures before he achieves success. When a man is overcome by defeat, the simplest and most rational thing to do is to give up. That is what the vast majority of males do.”

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