Dating a Married Man? Here’s Why You Should Never Date A Married Person

Even if you don’t want to, you may be attracted to the married man because he seems more mature and secure and is likely to be quite attractive.

Married men seem more attractive to fall in love with than single men, especially when they begin to flirt and make you feel vulnerable.

Steer clear of them.

They will bring you nothing but a bad reputation, missed opportunities, and lots of pain and heartbreak along with the guilt of destroying someone else’s home.

Below are some reasons why you should never date a married man:

1.  There is no future with a married man

Even if you believe that you and your partner are in love and complete each other, there is little hope for a future together.

Keep in mind that there is no future for you and your partner together.

Being already married and loving you enough to wait for the marriage to end isn’t an option for him.

2.  When it comes to dating a married man, trust is not an option

Someone cheating on his wife for you means you’re having an affair with him.

Unless you’re willing to take the risk, you should never put your trust in him. If he lies to his wife, you can’t trust him to be honest with you. A liar is not someone you can rely on.

3.  It’s not a good relationship

A relationship that is built on mistrust and deceit will never succeed. Your relationship will be ruined in no time if you don’t deal with the tensions.

4.  Don’t believe anything he says

Relationships outside of marriage are often built by married men based on a shared sense of empathy. To be on the safe side, always keep in mind that you are only hearing one side of the storey.

5.  Loss of options

Even though you’re still single, having an affair with a married man means letting go of other options for yourself. While chasing a married person during your prime years of youth, you’ll lose all of your options.

6.  It is inevitable that you will always feel insecure

Very unlikely that you’ll be able to have a happily ever after with him.

Affairs have existed since the dawn of time. Just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s ok. Not only is dating a married man difficult, it can also be heartbreaking for everyone involved.

Even if you’re in love or you’re making each other happy, having an affair with a married man won’t work out in the long run.

7.  You will be labelled as such

As soon as men find out about your affair, they’ll think you’re an easy target to seduce. Some women will make disparaging remarks about you and call you a pariah. The whispers may begin as soon as you enter a gathering.

8.  Loss of options

Even though you’re still single, having an affair with a married man means letting go of other options for yourself. While chasing a married person during your prime years of youth, you’ll lose all of your options.

9.  Self-deprecation

The truth is that he is still with his wife, despite his attempts to make you feel special. Married men are more likely to choose their wives over any other woman. They can profess to love and respect you, but they may harbour ill feelings towards you.

10.   Never again will he abandon his wife

The truth is that he will never leave his wife, no matter how unhappy he is with her. He will always treat you as an option, even if he says he loves you and cares about you.

11.   It is frustrating to hide the relationship

Your self-esteem can be undermined by having to keep your relationship a secret. Walking around the world with someone proud to be with you can fill you with a warm glow.

12.   A husband’s infidelity is indicative of how he reacts to situations that he doesn’t like

You are living proof that he avoids confronting unpleasant situations head-on to avoid conflict. This means that if you and he have a rocky relationship, he’s likely to resort to devious behaviour.


When it comes to dating a married man, there are no advantages. When it comes down to it, even good reasons don’t last. If you’re on the verge of succumbing to temptation, consider these ten truths.

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