Book Review: “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People authored by Stephen R. Covey is centred on the personal and professional routines of the normal individual.

This is the book’s main focus because it is your habits that define your personality.

Everyone has a set of habits. Some of these behaviours are beneficial, while others are detrimental, and still, others have little to no impact on your daily life.

People are frequently oblivious of their tendencies. You may dismiss them as unchangeable aspects of your personality at times, yet you may be completely unconscious of their existence at other times.

These behaviours may be obvious to those around you, but if you don’t take a step back and evaluate them, you’ll discover that you’ve developed harmful habits without your knowledge.

Changing your behaviours can influence not only how you see the world, but also how others perceive you.

The lessons in Covey’s book can assist you in the following ways:

  • Taking charge of your destiny
  • Making smarter, strategic judgments, not simply better ones
  • Managing and enhancing your family and friend relationships
  • Get rid of undesirable behaviours
  • Increase your output.
  • Strike a good work-life balance.
  • Be the happiest version of yourself.

Victory in Private

Covey begins the book with three habits that he categorises under the heading Private Victory. These behaviours are more about you as an individual building your habits. It is critical to prioritise a personal success over a team victory since you must be able to alter yourself to execute change in a team.


Each of these seven behaviours is synergistic and complements the others in distinct ways. When you understand that these habits are a part of two major habits: taking action and structured preparation, it becomes easier to think about cultivating them.

  • Habit #1 – Taking Action : You commit to taking action by being proactive in your life when you acquire habit number one. You are making a physical and mental choice to recover control over your experience when you begin to accept responsibility for your life and how you experience it.
  • Habit #2 – Organized Planning : Habit 2 teaches you how to determine your life’s goals and mission. This is an important step in the planning process since you can’t construct a set of directions until you know where you’re going.
  • Habit #3: You are taking decisive actions when you choose to prioritise the actions that will help you achieve your goals. Habit 3 supports habit 1 because, while being proactive is vital, it’s also important to take action on the things that will help you get there.
  • Habit #4: When you think in terms of a “win-win” scenario, you learn to plan for a variety of outcomes. It’s critical to commit to a “win-win” conclusion because it makes everyone on the team feel appreciated. It requires careful preparation, compromise, and flexibility to learn to prioritise the health of the team over the health of the individual.
  • Habit #5: Learning to listen first may not appear to be proactive. Active listening, on the other hand, is one of the most crucial active choices you can make. Active listening prepares you for not only future planning but also future action. It eliminates redundancy and gives your employees a sense of worth. It’s amazing how much of a difference it can make when you choose to pay attention to those around you.
  • Habit #6: The ultimate way to take action in a group is to work on your team’s synergy. It’s vital to keep in mind that you can’t just throw a lot of string instruments together and call it an orchestra. If there is no synergy among the players, they are merely folks who happen to be playing a competition.
  • Habit #7:  The seventh habit is all about taking action to safeguard yourself. Making intentional decisions to look for yourself will enable you to make conscious decisions to look after others.

To compile together,

When Stephen Covey published this book, he probably had no idea he was kicking off a leadership revolution at business and home.

Covey’s work is at the heart of a body of work that has spawned thousands of publications, some of which have altered the business and management environment entirely.

Despite the large number of books written and published since The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it continues to be a book that people return to time and time again.

Because, as the book’s central message says, you must first master a few basic behaviours before moving on to greater and better things.

Covey delivers these fundamental teachings engagingly and passionately.

This book not only reveals the secrets and techniques to achieving success in today’s competitive society, but it also offers beautiful, practical, and inspiring suggestions for winning our battles.

It concentrates on the fundamental paradigms.

It will make you realise that the quick-fix technique of learning effective communication, having a pleasing external look, and learning a plethora of ways to impress others will not work in the long run.

You must work on your character to make your life enjoyable and your relationships work. You must develop a personal purpose statement.

The first three self-development habits are so motivating and achievable that anyone may improve their life by following them.

The following three habits are for public victory, and they are also fantastic.

Understanding the principles of public victory allows us to determine with whom we should collaborate.

It teaches us that we should only make a bargain with someone if it benefits both of us, i.e. it motivates us to find a win-win situation.

It shows us how to rejuvenate our bodily, spiritual, mental, and social components of life in the last habit.

If you don’t want to read a lot of self-help books and are looking for a single book that will inspire you, drive you to do better, and answer many of your questions, then you should read this book.

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