Evolving life lessons to learn before entering 30

Life is the best teacher, and it teaches us via adversity. The trials we confront teach us the most, and life will keep repeating the same problems until we learn the lesson. The only way to progress in life is to overcome obstacles.

Life is full of lessons, both good and unpleasant, that we may never fully comprehend. When we reach the age of 30, most of us never feel fully equipped for the next phase of our life. Family, job, children, and home ownership are all big milestones on our horizon. Learning these life lessons before you turn 30 is crucial to your future planning.

If you plan properly in your twenties, create a life plan, and manage your finances, you will be well on your way to success (or at least close to it) in your thirties. Your life will alter throughout time, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse; it’s all fine. You may change jobs, lose relationships, friends, and money, but stay grounded and grateful for what you have right in front of you: an incredible life.

  1. Money Is Not Everything

When you’re in your 20s, you’re ecstatic about the freedom that money provides. You’re dissatisfied with your current residence? You can relocate to a quieter and greener area. Do you have any health issues? You can acquire medication without having to worry about the cost. One of the most important truths to learn before turning 30 is that money is important, but it is not everything.

Allow money to serve as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Concentrate on what is valuable, such as being connected to people, having friendships, and contributing to your environment and society as a whole. The best things in life, after all, are free.

  1. You Can’t Please Everyone

It is natural for people to want to be liked, respected, and accepted. It should not, however, grow to the point where you seek affirmation from others. That is something that comes from within.

Accept the fact that not everyone will agree with you, like you, or respect you. But keep in mind that the most important respect is self-respect.

Don’t allow your mistakes to overwhelm you, instead use them to teach you valuable lessons for the future.

  1. There’s no mental health without physical health

When you’re in your 20s, your body probably works very well. However, as you become older, the consequences of your decisions will become apparent.

Furthermore, your body is the means by which you will achieve your goals. It will look after you if you look after it. So get some exercise every day, for approximately 15 minutes to an hour, and eat a nutritious diet. Exercise is a way to celebrate what your body is capable of, not to brag about it. 

It’s impossible to have excellent mental health if you don’t get enough sleep, don’t drink enough water, and don’t eat right. Taking better care of our mental health always begins with bettering our physical health.

  1. Your habits define you

Our habits, routines, and rituals make us who we are. We used to try to define our identity by projecting a specific persona, which was sometimes at odds with our genuine beliefs and values, perhaps because we didn’t know what our true beliefs and values were to begin with.

Rather than attempting to define things through words, we can instead rely on the totality of our actions to paint a picture of who we are. And it’s fine if the picture continues changing.

  1. Vulnerability is the key to close relationships

We used to desire to be powerful as children to act strong, to be seen as strong. But the day you decided to admit that you were just as messy and lost as the rest of us opened the door to a slew of new friendships that would not have blossomed if you had chosen to maintain this façade.

When you open yourself, you tell others it’s alright to be themselves, and you get a peek into their heads, which is the most amazing thing in the world.

  1. Share your progress, not your goals

People who keep their objectives private are more likely to fulfil their goals, according to studies. Because you are frequently praised before reaching your objectives, talking about them becomes a replacement for achieving them. 

People who share their progress, on the other hand, have been proven to be more likely to reach their objectives. This is due to the fact that they are praised for the process rather than a hypothetical, future outcome.

  1. Find beauty in the little things

Every second of our lives does not have to be productive. We live a busy life, trying to cram as much as possible into our days, avoiding thinking and never having the time to relax.

It is a part of being alive to take the time to enjoy the world around us and the wonderful moments of beauty. A smile from a friend, a pretty quiet street, or a cup of tea and a nice book could all be things that help you relax.

  1. Failure Is Good

Failure is an important part of the learning process. We are programmed from an early age to believe that failure is bad, but as we get older, we discover that not all failure is negative.

Because the worst has happened, failure is disguised as liberation, allowing you to move forward. You also learn what doesn’t work, and you figure out what went wrong by analysing the events leading up to the failure. As a result, embrace failure. Failing quickly and moving forward is the only way to succeed.

  1. Friends come and go and that’s alright

Friendships that last a year, a week, or even an evening can be just as transformative as those that last a lifetime. In thirty years, you meet a lot of people. Rather than lamenting the loss of some friends, be grateful that you had the opportunity to learn from them in the first place.

  1. Doing things right is less important than doing them for the right reasons

We make several errors and will continue to do so in the future. The biggest blunders we’ve made, however, aren’t the ones where everything went wrong. They are the situations in which we are compelled to do something for the wrong reasons. We concentrate on things like what would appear best on my resume and what the most logical next step would be.

It may take a long time to learn, and we may still be working on it, but a feeling of curiosity, a want to learn, and a desire to connect should keep us continuing. These are far more potent engines.

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