Here’s How to Make Better Decisions & Become A Good Decision Maker

Life is all about making decisions, some big and some small. A few decisions give you a rise and some make you fall.

Sometimes the smallest decisions can change your life forever.

Keri Russel

We often stand at crossroads in our life and our decisions determine the outcome.

Decision-making is something all of us do every day but is it that easy?

If you find yourself struggling with making decisions for yourself then this article is a perfect place to give it a read.

This blog will aid you in becoming a better decision-maker by guiding you on how to make better decisions:

How to Make Better Decisions?

Make a list of the risks you’re willing to take

Comfort comes from familiarity. And there’s a strong chance you’re making terrible decisions simply because you’ve become accustomed to your routines and don’t consider the danger or harm you’re causing.

You might, for example, speed every day on your way to work.

Each time you arrive safely without receiving a speeding citation, you gain a little more confidence in your ability to drive quickly.

However, you’re compromising your safety and putting yourself in legal jeopardy.

Stop focusing on the issue

When faced with a difficult decision, such as whether to relocate to a new location or change occupations, you may spend a lot of time weighing the benefits and drawbacks.

While science demonstrates that thinking about your options has a lot of benefits, overthinking your options might be a problem.

Too much time spent weighing the benefits and drawbacks can cause you to become stressed and unable to make a decision.

Alternatively, engage in an activity that diverts your attention away from a problem.

Allow your brain to think things out in the background and you’ll come up with clear answers.

Make time to think about your mistakes

Set aside time to think about your blunders, whether you left the house without an umbrella and got soaked on your way to work, or you blew your budget because you couldn’t resist an impulse purchase.

Make it a habit to reflect on your choices during the day daily.

When your choices don’t work out, think about what went wrong. Look for the lessons that each of your mistakes can teach you.

Just remember not to focus on your errors for too long. It’s not helpful for your mental health to keep rehashing your mistakes.

Look after yourself

Your sleep and water intake can have an impact on your mental clarity and focus, as well as your ability to make decisions.

To do this, avoid using devices immediately before bedtime and consider investing in a white noise machine to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Don’t be afraid to admit your errors

One of the most effective strategies to improve your decision-making skills is to acknowledge and learn from your mistakes.

Making mistakes isn’t always a bad thing; it might give you more confidence in your ability to make decisions based on your past experiences in the future.

Inquire about reviews

When seeking feedback during the decision-making process, you must strike a fine balance.

Some comments can be really useful, especially if it comes from someone who has been in your shoes and can tell you how they handled it, or from people you admire for their knowledge and experience on a certain subject.

It’s also a good idea to get feedback from those who will be directly affected by your decision since they will be able to provide you with information you don’t know yet.

However, too much feedback might make your decision even more difficult by providing you with too many different points of view, which you may find difficult to balance.

Control your feelings

Emotions should play a role in your decision-making, but if you want to make smarter decisions, you need to make sure you’re behaving with emotional intelligence.

Just as asking for feedback requires a fine balance, so does managing your emotions.

Too much emotion can cloud your judgment and lead you to make decisions you wouldn’t have made if you were thinking more clearly.

This holds for both pleasant and negative feelings.

If you’re extremely enthusiastic about anything, for example, you don’t want to make hasty selections based on your enthusiasm rather than how the item would appear in practice.

Keep your ideals in mind

It should be easier to see the path ahead of you if you stay loyal to your principles during the decision-making process, basing your decisions on your goals and where you see a scenario going in the long run.

Plus, sticking to your principles provides you with confidence and makes it easier to accept your decision even when things don’t go as planned.


Making good decisions necessitates a delicate balancing of the seemingly opposing forces of passion and reasoning.

We must be able to predict the future, analyze the current situation effectively, get insight into the minds of others, and deal with uncertainty.

To help you become a better decision maker, the above article is a compiled list of some of the most effective tips.

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