How to Emotionally Declutter Your Life?

You may have heard about decluttering your room, workstation, or other location to reap the benefits of clearing up your surroundings. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy being in a clean environment?

But what about the mayhem on the inside? Have you ever considered clearing your emotions and starting the healing process?

Consider unresolved issues as trapped energy that prevents us from living a better, more fulfilling life.

Here are some suggestions for improving your life and decluttering your emotions:

Make a list of the things that are limiting you

Make a list of all the circumstances or areas you need to handle based on the steps above. These are the things that are preventing or restricting your progress.

This phase is critical for emotional decluttering. You need to go deep and figure out where you’re stuck. Putting ideas down in writing makes it easier to see the big picture – and the work that has to be done.

Examine these scenarios and emotions again

After you’ve figured out what’s keeping you from moving forward, go through each situation and fully feel those feelings.

If it’s about an ex-partner you’re still not over, get yourself a cup of tea and reflect on how they made you feel.

We often suppress our emotions, distracting ourselves with food, booze, or anything else that will dull the pain. The key is to let go of the suppressed feeling.

De-clutter your emotions. With a mental broom, you sweep away these blockages and limitations once you start addressing these emotions and purging.

Simply put pen to paper and allow your stream of consciousness to dictate what it needs.

Limit Your Media Consumption

Your mental health is greatly influenced by the media you consume. We spend a lot of time online reading blogs, curating Pinterest boards, and watching viral films on YouTube, among other things.

This deluge of data can clutter your mind, resulting in worry and anxiety.

To clear your head of all that media-related clutter, you must limit the amount of information you intake.

Set a time restriction on how much time you spend on digital media to begin.

Also, be judicious with your media consumption (avoid negative information, only follow reputable news outlets for updates, etc.) and keep your inbox organized on a regular basis.

Make a decision

“Clutter is merely delayed decisions”

– professional organiser Scott Roewer

When you put off making decisions, your brain becomes overburdened by the clutter that those pending decisions cause.

It doesn’t matter if it’s about the house you want to buy or that email you’ve been putting off for a long time.

When making basic judgments, weigh the advantages and disadvantages thoroughly and don’t change your mind after you’ve made up your mind.

Practice doesn’t make it perfect, but it does make it easier

You can develop the art of decluttering by practising it as much as possible, as you can with other things in life.

When you get in the practice of making decisions on a regular basis, you’ll find that you’re more naturally able to make them more tough decisions when you start a more challenging decluttering project.

Begin by keeping your kitchen counters clean every day. They tend to be a spot where junk accumulates during the day, the majority of which is unrelated to the kitchen.

If you can develop the habit of clearing that smaller space every day, it will be easier to maintain that new habit.


With these 5 certain strategies to declutter your emotions, you’ll be able to deal with them in a healthy way and stop hoarding them!

De-clutter your beautiful mental space. Remember that while time will help you heal by offering temporary respite, it is only you who can actually make a difference by working on your emotions.

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