The First 90 Days (Michael Watkins)

About Michael Watkins: Michael Watkins, chairman of Genesis’ advisory board and a leader in business transformation, is an author and expert on the topic. Newton, Massachusetts

Professor Michael Watkins worked at IMD Switzerland and INSEAD France. He also taught at Harvard Business School.

Michael Watkins, a Harvard University professor, created a diagram to help you take on a managerial role within the first 90 days. It is crucial to make the most of your first few days as a new employee.

Leadership at all levels is prone to make mistakes their first day in office. This is due to their inability to understand the challenges they will face as well as how to bring in funds in the first 90 days. To maintain your position, you’ll need to go upstream.

The book “The first ninety days as a boss” will give you the tools and methods to integrate faster, achieve more results quicker and get up to speed quicker. This summary will allow you to become more aware of your current situation and the opportunities and challenges that it presents. This summary will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, prioritize and maintain important relationships.

This summary will tell you what you can expect to learn.

You just got appointed to a new job and you are eager to get started in your new office. This book will be your first step-by, step guide and include lessons on:

  • How to motivate yourself. Leaders who are successful leave behind the past and learn all that is relevant for their new job.
  • How to quickly adapt to a new job. Leaders need to adapt by understanding the culture, organizational structure, and operations of their company.
  • How to choose the best strategy. The leader must take into consideration all aspects of the business in order to choose the best strategy. Only by analyzing the situation, can you create the most effective strategic plans.
  • How to make new and better things. Your boss, coworkers, and subordinates will notice that you have made a positive change in your new job. These “new” achievements will energize and excite people and help to build your credibility.
  • How to create an effective team. You will have many difficulties if you don’t have an effective team. No leader can achieve great success at work alone.

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